Pierre got his start as a participant in the Gala albertain de la chanson. After winning the Alberta Gala, he went on to the Chant'Ouest where he was crowned winner in the singer-songwriter category. This second Gala brought him to the semi-finals of the Festival international de la chanson de Granby. In 1996, he launched his first single, Suzanne. This song, which still leaves its mark on the French-Canadian scene to this day. Suzanne. Cette chanson, qui laisse encore sa marque sur la scène franco-canadienne jusqu’à présent.
In 2000, the album «Lumière du jour» was released. This album was followed by a second album «Dans un verre de vitre» which was released in 2005. His next album, «Visages et Fantômes» is scheduled for release in 2021, more than 15 years after his last one. This absence from the scene has allowed the artist to become a father and explore new sounds that will undoubtedly color and add texture to this long-awaited next work.
A graduate in Music Composition from Grant McEwan University College in Alberta, Pierre has had the opportunity to share the stage with many artists such as Marijo Thério, Daniel Bélanger and Daniel Lavoie to name a few. Despite this long absence from the music scene, Pierre is no stranger to the microphone, having performed and toured extensively across Canada and internationally. His musical resume includes shows in Ottawa for Canada Day, Festival du Voyageur, Fête franco-albertaine, as well as Coup de coeur tours and even a few festivals in Europe.
Happy to be back in front of the microphone with his guitar in hand, it is with a confident nervousness that Pierre waits to make you discover his music again and to share with you the stories that he knits in his head in order to make you live the emotions which accompany him since these last years.